Building leading Research and Innovation capacity across Europe
The objective of the DECISMAR (development of a DECISion support toolbox for enhancing the feasibility study of the upgrade of MARitime surveillance through the integration of legacy assets with new innovative solutions) project is to develop a decision support toolbox (DSTx), implemented as a cyber-secured and future-proofed integrated IT environment, to provide future technological scenarios.
The DSTx will provide a dynamic and interactive approach for conducting feasibility studies which aim to support the upgrade of maritime surveillance under the scope of both current and future defined High Level Operational Requirements (HLORs) of the PESCO Project “Upgrade of Maritime Surveillance”. DECISMAR will identify mature or novel technologies that can fulfil new tasks and missions, evaluate the performance of individual technological advances and related products, evaluate and/or estimate the cost, performance and risk associated with the production and deployments of various combinations of
previously described systems and provide decision makers with the necessary toolkit to fuse and visualise the resulting evidence and associated streams of information into a coherent output that will ultimately support and facilitate the decision-making process.
The toolkit will enable users to evaluate and/or estimate the cost and associated risk arising from the full cycle of R&D, Production & Deployment of various either mature, potentially repurposed, or innovative technologies and respective upgraded or novel systems through the integration of historical data and expert opinion/judgement processed through mathematical algorithms and models that incorporate state of art economic/financial theory. The consortium of DECISMAR consists of 12 SME with diverse and complementary competences from 8 EU Member States, and 2 Research Institutes. DRI was chosen, due to its recognized competence in Strategic Technology Foresight, to lead the activities regarding Technology Watch, investigating the available methods used for performing future technology analysis and proposing the most appropriate ones for DECISMAR.